Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Lessons learned.

Hello again friends! 
I've only been a mama now for close to two months but here are a few things I've learned so far. I can only imagine all of the other things I will learn as he gets older and so on. Motherhood is truly a journey and I'm loving every minute of it. Take a gander for yourself. I'd love to hear about the things you've learned so far as well!

1. The baby carrier is probably the best invention ever. We just started using ours the other day. I don't know what the hold up was but I thank my lucky stars we gave in and bought it! They are priced anywhere from $15-$150. We bought one for $17 and it's amazing! I'm sure the expensive ones work awesome as well but we need to watch every penny right now so this was the one for us! Plus I read the reviews beforehand and people said great things. Here is the link to the one we use. Jack is usually such a laid back baby but if he's getting fussy and mama needs to get things done around the house...cue the baby carrier AKA my new best friend. They also work great for shopping! Give in and get one. You, your baby and your sanity will thank you!

2. Always make sure you have your diaper bag before you leave home. I will never forget Jack's first doctors appointment... we overpacked his diaper bag, got in the office and he peed right through his onesie! Good thing we had his diaper bag...not. We totally left it in the car. Ya live and ya learn. We felt like horrible parents, but we weren't. You grow with your baby and you learn. Plus you're usually running on almost no sleep so it's okay to forget simple things that seem like common sense. Here is my go to list of things to keep in that wonderful diaper bag of yours.

1. Diapers- You can never have too many on hand.
2. Changing pad- Some come with the bag and some don't but believe me they come in handy!
3. Change of clothes- Maybe even a few pair...babies tend to pee a lot.
4. Extra Nuks- I don't know how but babies seem to drop them anywhere and everywhere. When that baby starts crying and you can't find it you want to cry yourself. Pack the extra Nuk.
5. Baby wipes- Seems like a no brainer but I've already caught myself without, not a fun task.
6. Burp Cloth- Babies are aways into something or always having something come out.
7. Bottles- Depending where I'm going I tend to keep two in there.
8. Formula or breast milk- This one again is pretty obvious. You don't want that cute baby of yours going hungry even if you are just down the road.
9. A soft blankie- Jack loves cuddling with his wherever we go. It's a must have especially in the colder months.
10. Hand Sanitizer- You're touching carts, strollers, doors the list goes on and on. You can never be too cautious with your little one. Germs are everywhere and so are people. Remember to have friends and family use it first before holding that sweet baby.
11. Toys and books- Jack is still too young for toys but I keep a few odds and ends in there.

3. Experience everything like you're seeing it for the first time too. Being a baby is super exciting! Everything to them is brand new. Things that may seem old to us are a major wow for babies. Take for instance the first snow of the season. I'm usually never a big fan of snow but this year was extra special. Jack and I watched those snowflakes flurry from the sky and he was in aww. For the first time in a long time I was too. I always wanted him to remember this moment so we bundled him up and brought him outside. He wasn't the biggest fan outside but at least we recorded his first time seeing snow. Take those extra few moments and really experience it with them. Well worth it I promise! 

4. Make alone time for yourself when baby is napping. I love my sweet boy more than anything in this world but being a mama is a demanding selfless job. When I can finally get him down for a nap I enjoy a little alone time. This is usually my time of the day to read The Bible, enjoy a cup of coffee, write this blog and so on. I try to get some chores done as well but sometimes you need a few moments to yourself to just sit down and take a deep breath. Don't feel guilty enjoying your alone time. You work hard to keep your baby happy and his/her needs met. You deserve a few moments to yourself. Happy mommy = Happy Baby.

5. Mommy and Daddy date nights. It can be difficult to leave the baby for a few hours but it does wonders for your relationship. For me it is really tough because I hate leaving Jack so much, Hunter does a great job at making sure we get date nights to ourselves. It's a wonderful time to laugh and truly enjoy each others company. It helps you realize just why you fell in love with this person. We do simple things like movies, Olive Garden, walks and even just roaming through Target. It doesn't have to be fancy. The main thing is you get alone time to yourselves. That way when you see your baby again you're refreshed and ready to continue full on mommy and daddy roles. Plus it's great bonding time for baby and grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, friends whoever is watching your little one.

6. Something special for you and your baby to bond over. This makes for great mama and baby time, something really special. For Jack and I it's reading his Bible together every day. It means so much to me that I can share such amazing stories with him so young. It's something that I hope will continue for years to come.

7. Don't forget to cherish the small everyday moments. Time flies by now more than ever before. I feel like he was just born and then I look back at his newborn photos and realize how much he's changed already. It's crazy! I wish I could freeze time even if just for a little while. I've learned to enjoy all of the small things. When he laughs in his sleep, how he smiles when you tickle his tummy, how he attacks his bottle because he's so hungry and how he loves dancing with me when we play music. These are the moments I want to remember. These are the moments that seem to be flying by in the blink of an eye. Believe me when I say take the time to memorize the way he looks into your eyes and how he wraps his tiny little hand around your finger.

There's just a small collection of the many things he has taught me already. The list could go on and on. There's truly no greater joy in this world than being a mommy. Stay tuned for another post soon! 

Love, Megan 

1 comment:

  1. I made sure I got one of those pacifier pods that attach to the car seat and we always have an extra in there. So I always know where one is wherever we are!
