Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hello Baby Boy Clark.

Hello and happy Wednesday! Mine is being spent watching reruns of Reba and writing this with a sleeping baby attached to me. Isn't life great? This afternoon I thought I'd share with you Jack's birth story. He recently got baptized this past Sunday so this mama is feeling extra sentimental lately. Watch for a blog post about his baptism to come soon!

Where to begin...

I remember finding out I was pregnant like it was just yesterday. Hunter and I had a million emotions rushing through our brains. I mean we were having a baby. This was not a drill. We were shocked, overwhelmed, excited, nervous, scared and basically in disbelief. I believe God grants us things when we least expect them. I am so thankful He granted us Jack. We may not have felt ready at the time but by the grace of God He prepared us for the miracle ahead. Some say pregnancy drags on but those nine months flew by for me. I struggled with mild morning sickness and backaches towards the third trimester but overall had an amazing pregnancy. It must have been all of those cupcakes I ate. It was the most surreal feeling knowing I had life growing inside of me. Especially when I could feel him kick. 

I remember in elementary school we all had to write about what we wanted to be when we grew up. My answer was always, a mommy. Some things we just know we're meant to be. I was meant to be a mommy my entire life and now I finally am. I've always pictured how amazing it would be and the cool things we would get to do together. I was right. It's pretty much the best job ever. Truly a full time job tending to this tiny human. The sleepless nights and 3am bottles are all worth it when he smiles at you like you're his whole world. 

Jack was due November, 8th however I mentally prepared myself for him to go over. First time babies are usually late, my mom was late with all of us kids and my sister was late with Ollie. I was oddly patient waiting for him to show up, very unlike me. I knew when he was ready he would let me know. It was the busiest time for us we literally moved into our new home on November, 1st. All I wanted was to be moved in before baby Jack made his debut. Being nine months pregnant and moving into a new house you can only imagine the hormones and emotions I was feeling. What if he came early? Where would we live? Hunter told me repeatedly everything would work out. I knew he was right but it didn't make it any easier to calm down. Luckily we got everything moved in and decorated before he was born!! Both of our families were such a big help moving, packing, painting and decorating. It took a team of us but that's the beautiful thing about family they are always there for you. Leading up to him being born I kept myself plenty busy decorating the house especially his nursery. I've been dreaming of decorating his nursery since we found out we were having a boy. I wanted to make everything perfect for when we brought our sweet boy home! 

Before we knew it November, 8th had arrived. Hunter was definitely more anxious than I was he tried giving me pineapple, spicy food and kept wanting to take long walks around the neighborhood. No baby. 

A few days later...November, 11th we both had off from work and were working on things around the house. Hunter was occupied talking with the man setting up our cable and I was busy making a blanket in the nursery for my moms Christmas present. All of a sudden it felt like a water balloon burst in my pants. Uh oh. I knew exactly what that meant. I ran to the bathroom and tried to flag Hunter down. Finally I got his attention and let him know my water definitely just broke. He went back to finish up with the cable man so we could high tail it to the hospital. Man oh man he was a nice man but he kept talking and talking and talking. I remember sitting in the bathroom thinking...really? We are about to have a baby sir...have a nice day! Finally he left, the doctor told us to come in right away. This was it. Baby time! I was strangely the calm one. It reminded me of the episode of I love Lucy when Lucy goes into labor. On the way there we went through the Culvers drive thru. I was well aware after I was in the room it would be ice chips until the baby was born. I wanted a grilled cheese and I wanted it now. We arrived at the emergency area of the hospital and I was feeling good! No pain had stared yet and I was pretty chipper. Nine months of thinking about this moment and it was here. I thought I would be more nervous when I arrived, thinking of the pain ahead. I left it all up to God. Everything is in His hands. That gave me a sense of calm and ready to start this journey. Let's have a baby!

We arrived at our room after the nurse came in and started getting things set up. My mom arrived at our room moments later. When I saw her it really hit me that this was happening! How was a baby possibly going to come out of me? It doesn't sound so beautiful when they  are poking at you with needles. They hooked me up to an IV right away and I naturally waited for the contractions to come. Two hours went by and nothing, no pain. The nurses and midwife suggested moving things along with Pitocin. Before I could even think they were hooking me up to machines and I was confined to my hospital bed. The pain started coming slowly and manageable to quickly and a tad less manageable. I went in with the mind set I was going to try and do it natural, but if I needed the drugs I was okay with that! Hunter was amazing through the process holding my hand during contractions and coaching me when to breathe. I'm sorry if I snapped at you sweetie, you were amazing!! My mom was amazing too she kept rubbing my feet and telling me how great I was doing. The pain wasn't like I imagined I didn't find myself screaming like they do in movies. I found myself closing my eyes and praying that this contraction would end. To me it felt like really bad period cramps. There were moments I just wanted my mommy to hold me and moments I didn't think I could do it. But my loving fiance just kept praising me and holding my hand. I could see the pain written all over his face because I was in so much pain. I knew looking at his face how much he loved me. Half way in I got to a point where I was exhausted and extremely uncomfortable so I remembered my midwife mentioning Nubain. Nubain helps you relax, it didn't take any pain away but it made the experience much more manageable for me! I remember Hunter and my mom laughing at me when I was on it. I was saying things like "the people I love most in the world are right here with me". It kind of reminded me of laughing gas. Not long after my sister got there from Madison. At that point I was so in my zone I couldn't even say hi. Which for me is out of the norm because usually I attack my sister I'm so excited to see her! She's always been so supportive of everything in my life she was right there talking me through everything and crocheting Jack's baby hat at the same time. She knew everything all too well because she recently had a baby of her own. She was like a fountain of information. Finally the pain and exhaustion were getting the best of me, I wanted an epidural! My mom flagged down a nurse right away and they called for the anesthesiologist. My very nice nurse Ann came in and made sure I was doing alright and explained the procedure. I could only half comprehend what she was saying but I knew I needed a break from the pain. Just as they were about to start my epidural I told Ann I needed to push. I've never wanted to push so bad in my life! She told everyone to stop what they were doing and she was going to check me. Sure enough I was 9 1/2 centimeters dilated. We couldn't believe it! Hunter instantly called my mom and sister back into the room. They were going to step out while I got everything hooked up. Everything was happening so fast. My midwife came into the room suddenly her and the nurses transformed the place. Instantly they let me start pushing, it came so natural! That went on for about an hour, I was getting so annoyed with myself. Why couldn't I push this baby out? Come on Jack! We must have tried six different positions until finally we tried a tug-a-war method and it worked! I'll spare some details but one thing I remember Hunter, mom, Mindy and the nurses repeatedly saying is "look at all of that hair!" 
One more giant push and there he was!! My beautiful baby boy!! I looked at Hunter and he was tearing up. In that moment I have never loved him more. It's my favorite moment we've ever shared. We just brought life into the world! The nurse placed Jack on my chest right away and I knew my life would never be the same. There he son! I was a mama! Hunter cut the umbilical cord and they cleaned him up. I can't put into words everything I was feeling. From that moment on I can't stop smiling whenever I hold my sweet boy. After things calmed down a bit my dad and stepmom stopped to see him and later my brother stopped with pizza. Everyone kept saying he was a mini Hunter and he is!! He is spitting image of his handsome daddy! We had an unexpected week stay at the hospital but we were surrounded by amazing nurses who's generosity and love got us through it. Both of our families were in and out of the hospital visiting us. They were truly our saving grace. The day we got to bring Jack home was the happiest day ever!! A day I never thought would come after being stuck at the hospital for a week. 

Since then our lives have changed for the better. We're no longer just Megan and Hunter. We're Mama and Papa. In two short months Jack has brought us so much joy and laughter. He completes us and makes us feel love we didn't know we were capable of. I love our little family so much. We are who we are because of the families we were raised in. Jack has so much love from all of his grandparents, aunts, uncles and great grandparents. We hope to continue the love we were shown growing up. This is only one chapter in a very long book. 

Love, Megan

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Lessons learned.

Hello again friends! 
I've only been a mama now for close to two months but here are a few things I've learned so far. I can only imagine all of the other things I will learn as he gets older and so on. Motherhood is truly a journey and I'm loving every minute of it. Take a gander for yourself. I'd love to hear about the things you've learned so far as well!

1. The baby carrier is probably the best invention ever. We just started using ours the other day. I don't know what the hold up was but I thank my lucky stars we gave in and bought it! They are priced anywhere from $15-$150. We bought one for $17 and it's amazing! I'm sure the expensive ones work awesome as well but we need to watch every penny right now so this was the one for us! Plus I read the reviews beforehand and people said great things. Here is the link to the one we use. Jack is usually such a laid back baby but if he's getting fussy and mama needs to get things done around the house...cue the baby carrier AKA my new best friend. They also work great for shopping! Give in and get one. You, your baby and your sanity will thank you!

2. Always make sure you have your diaper bag before you leave home. I will never forget Jack's first doctors appointment... we overpacked his diaper bag, got in the office and he peed right through his onesie! Good thing we had his diaper bag...not. We totally left it in the car. Ya live and ya learn. We felt like horrible parents, but we weren't. You grow with your baby and you learn. Plus you're usually running on almost no sleep so it's okay to forget simple things that seem like common sense. Here is my go to list of things to keep in that wonderful diaper bag of yours.

1. Diapers- You can never have too many on hand.
2. Changing pad- Some come with the bag and some don't but believe me they come in handy!
3. Change of clothes- Maybe even a few pair...babies tend to pee a lot.
4. Extra Nuks- I don't know how but babies seem to drop them anywhere and everywhere. When that baby starts crying and you can't find it you want to cry yourself. Pack the extra Nuk.
5. Baby wipes- Seems like a no brainer but I've already caught myself without, not a fun task.
6. Burp Cloth- Babies are aways into something or always having something come out.
7. Bottles- Depending where I'm going I tend to keep two in there.
8. Formula or breast milk- This one again is pretty obvious. You don't want that cute baby of yours going hungry even if you are just down the road.
9. A soft blankie- Jack loves cuddling with his wherever we go. It's a must have especially in the colder months.
10. Hand Sanitizer- You're touching carts, strollers, doors the list goes on and on. You can never be too cautious with your little one. Germs are everywhere and so are people. Remember to have friends and family use it first before holding that sweet baby.
11. Toys and books- Jack is still too young for toys but I keep a few odds and ends in there.

3. Experience everything like you're seeing it for the first time too. Being a baby is super exciting! Everything to them is brand new. Things that may seem old to us are a major wow for babies. Take for instance the first snow of the season. I'm usually never a big fan of snow but this year was extra special. Jack and I watched those snowflakes flurry from the sky and he was in aww. For the first time in a long time I was too. I always wanted him to remember this moment so we bundled him up and brought him outside. He wasn't the biggest fan outside but at least we recorded his first time seeing snow. Take those extra few moments and really experience it with them. Well worth it I promise! 

4. Make alone time for yourself when baby is napping. I love my sweet boy more than anything in this world but being a mama is a demanding selfless job. When I can finally get him down for a nap I enjoy a little alone time. This is usually my time of the day to read The Bible, enjoy a cup of coffee, write this blog and so on. I try to get some chores done as well but sometimes you need a few moments to yourself to just sit down and take a deep breath. Don't feel guilty enjoying your alone time. You work hard to keep your baby happy and his/her needs met. You deserve a few moments to yourself. Happy mommy = Happy Baby.

5. Mommy and Daddy date nights. It can be difficult to leave the baby for a few hours but it does wonders for your relationship. For me it is really tough because I hate leaving Jack so much, Hunter does a great job at making sure we get date nights to ourselves. It's a wonderful time to laugh and truly enjoy each others company. It helps you realize just why you fell in love with this person. We do simple things like movies, Olive Garden, walks and even just roaming through Target. It doesn't have to be fancy. The main thing is you get alone time to yourselves. That way when you see your baby again you're refreshed and ready to continue full on mommy and daddy roles. Plus it's great bonding time for baby and grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, friends whoever is watching your little one.

6. Something special for you and your baby to bond over. This makes for great mama and baby time, something really special. For Jack and I it's reading his Bible together every day. It means so much to me that I can share such amazing stories with him so young. It's something that I hope will continue for years to come.

7. Don't forget to cherish the small everyday moments. Time flies by now more than ever before. I feel like he was just born and then I look back at his newborn photos and realize how much he's changed already. It's crazy! I wish I could freeze time even if just for a little while. I've learned to enjoy all of the small things. When he laughs in his sleep, how he smiles when you tickle his tummy, how he attacks his bottle because he's so hungry and how he loves dancing with me when we play music. These are the moments I want to remember. These are the moments that seem to be flying by in the blink of an eye. Believe me when I say take the time to memorize the way he looks into your eyes and how he wraps his tiny little hand around your finger.

There's just a small collection of the many things he has taught me already. The list could go on and on. There's truly no greater joy in this world than being a mommy. Stay tuned for another post soon! 

Love, Megan 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year, New Beginnings!

Hello and Happy 2016!

I am so excited to be starting up this new blog! I've blogged in the past and loved it. However it's crazy how much changes in the course of a few years. I look forward to this being an outlet to share thoughts, photos and overall having it to look back on as my life changes even more. Where to begin...

My name is Megan. 
Welcome to my life. 
It may be crazy and overwhelming at times but at the end of the day it's so beautiful and unique. I wouldn't change a moment of it for anything. 

I live here in good ole' Wisconsin. When I was younger I always wanted to move far far away but now I see just how great it is to raise a family here and to be surrounded by our beautiful family and friends! I'm a new mommy, I have the most beautiful baby boy ever, his name is Jack. He will be two months on January, 11th. Time is going by way too fast already. I also have a handsome and wonderful fiancĂ© Hunter, we're getting married June, 4th of THIS year! I can't wait to marry my best friend and start the next chapter of our lives. 

A little about me...I love taking photos of anything and everything. As you get older moments just fly by and sometimes you wish you could stop time. I know I can't stop time but photos are at least a memory I can always look back on and share. My favorite place in the world is Nashville, Tennessee. I've been there a total of 7 times and counting. If you've never been I highly recommend going! Nashville has talented musicians, amazing food, beautiful scenery and one of a kind hospitality. There's truly no place like it, my home away from home. Hunter and I are going back for a mini honeymoon after the wedding! He knows me so well. I also love music, walks in the park, anything sweet, scrapbooking and spending time with family and friends. 

This is my soon to be hubby Hunter! I knew right away that he was the one. Corny, yes. True statement, yes. He completes me in a way I always imagined my future husband would. God brought him into my life at the perfect time and I am forever grateful! When we first started dating he lived in Houston, a long way from Oshkosh! That was a true test for us but with a lot Skype, care packages and faith we were able to wait it out. We've had plenty of adventures and milestones in our relationship already. Nothing about us is ordinary. He was my missing puzzle piece. We have a perfect little house here in town right by the park which we love! We can't wait to take Jack there in the summer! I thank the good Lord for bringing me this man. I can't wait to be his wife... 153 days!

This is baby Jack! He was born November, 11th. I say he's my good luck charm because he was born 11/11. He may be young but he has so much personality! He loves listening to music with mama and snuggling. Maybe he will be a musician?? I can't wait to watch him grow and discover what he loves and what his passions are. Being a mommy has already been the most rewarding, tiring, exciting, overwhelming, scary and best experience of my life. Words can truly never describe all of the emotions and love you feel. I love every moment of it. It's insane the kind of love you feel when you hold that sweet baby and they lock eyes and smile at you. I love my sweet boy so much, I guarantee you will be seeing many pictures of him! 

There are so many other wonderful people in my life, I could write a book on them. I am truly blessed with the best family and friends in the world!

There you go. A little bit of my world. Isn't it lovely? I can't wait to write about new adventures, experiences, mommyhood and planning a wedding! 

Love, Megan